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I have a great personality i believe. i am funny in my own way and very loyal to my friends. I am a natural sista 3C/4A hair and am challenging myself to have healthy hair and healthy skin. I am not a length crazy person but i am attempting to grow my hair off as long as i can then i am going to cut it off like Halle Berry. I love to cook so sometimes i will post recipes. My loves are clothes, skin, makeup, shoes, food, alcohal, hair, and my son. LOL! Stay Tuned!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

54 affirmations celebrating your power

With the start of the fast every morning i will seek communication spirit to spirit i will talk, recite my confession (42 laws of maat) and say these affirmations i will attempt to do this on a daily basis for the purpose of strengthening my relationship with my Father/Mother Creator and stregthening myself.

Sometimes it is good to have a few simple affirmations to tell yourself when things look bleak and when your spirit does not feel uplifted. The power of words are tremendous upon the body, the mind, and the soul, so I ask you all to read these words have the will to do each one of these things well, and to not feel bad on the days that you don't. Just keep moving, keep striving, and keep reaching!

The will of a woman is a never ending list, it goes on and on, for the will of a woman is strong and affirming!

1.I will take care of myself
2.I will love my inner being
3.I will not doubt myself
4.I will go the extra mile
5.I will trust my first instinct
6.I will not fear failure
7.I will pamper myself
8.I will clean as I go
9.I will learn from my mistakes
10.I will not be afraid to ask for help
11.I will try new things
12.I will overcome my weakness
13.I will share my rewards
14.I will teach wisdom
15.I will create within my home
16.I will never stop looking for love
17.I will never stop giving love
18.I will not be afraid
19.I will never stop learning
20.I will say that I am beautiful
21.I will tell other women that they are beautiful
22.I will work through the pain
23.I will not hold regrets
24.I will get plenty of beauty sleep
25.I will no longer feel guilty
26.I will take care of my spirit
27.I will laugh until the end
28.I will write down my experiences
29.I will offer wise advice
30.I will exercise more than often
31.I will not store negative energy
32.I will not surround myself with negative people
33.I will love my natural beauty
34.I will not take everything so serious
35.I will listen carefully
36.I will explain myself eloquently
37.I will love my loved ones
38.I will explore many cultures
39.I will stand up for what I believe in
40.I will never feel worthless
41.I will never carry guilt
42.I will make time for me
43.I will nurture nature
44.I will accept change
45.I will give with no thought of receiving
46.I will drink plenty of water
47.I will make love intensely
48.I will not fear death
49.I will stay active
50.I will not procrastinate
51.I will never give up on my dreams
52.I will keep a to-do-list
53.I will not feel bad if I do not accomplish every task & goal
54.I will have the will to be me! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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