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I have a great personality i believe. i am funny in my own way and very loyal to my friends. I am a natural sista 3C/4A hair and am challenging myself to have healthy hair and healthy skin. I am not a length crazy person but i am attempting to grow my hair off as long as i can then i am going to cut it off like Halle Berry. I love to cook so sometimes i will post recipes. My loves are clothes, skin, makeup, shoes, food, alcohal, hair, and my son. LOL! Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Natural Skin Care regimins

So i had horrible skin until i used natural soaps but here are a couple of recipes i use now for my skin and some that i will use in the future.


cleanse your face with your natural soap, make sure it is wet then
i used small handful of brown sugar and EVOO to make a gritty oil paste. rub rub scrub scrub then rinse. leaves a beautiful glow and rids your face of that old skin


i always want to do a chemical peel but never have wanted to put up the money so i found this recipe and i have tried it

on a cleanse moist face
3 tsp of H20
4 tsp of Baking soda
5 drops of EVOO

scrub scrub scrub. this burns my skin to no end and when i rinse it off  may face is slightly red. but the next day my skin looks fabolous.

I put a small amount apricot kernal oil on after the treatment. i am going to do this twice a week!

Remove Dark Spots

use a high acidic fruit or vegetable.
Place skin and juice of a tomato on cleansed skin for 10 minutes.

BlackHead Removal

honey is great to remove blackheads. Warm honey and apply for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Lemon juice, lime juice, powdered cinnamon, apply overnight. removes blackhead and cleanse skin, tighten pores.

oatmeal and rosewater  mix with warm H20 to create a mask. removes blackheads and tightens pores.

potatoes. grated potatoes removes blackhead, pimples, spots,white head and wrinkles. rub the gratings to area for 5 minutes, rinse with water.


1 cup of water with 1/2 cup of ACV wash face twice daily.

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