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I have a great personality i believe. i am funny in my own way and very loyal to my friends. I am a natural sista 3C/4A hair and am challenging myself to have healthy hair and healthy skin. I am not a length crazy person but i am attempting to grow my hair off as long as i can then i am going to cut it off like Halle Berry. I love to cook so sometimes i will post recipes. My loves are clothes, skin, makeup, shoes, food, alcohal, hair, and my son. LOL! Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So i haven't really posted anything of substance for a while because i have been so busy my anniversary just passed, mothers day, work my child's b day is coming up and i already started planning his first birthday. Anywho this brings me to the topic of schedules or checklists and how i just created one which end up helping me out in soooo many ways. my house stays clean and i feel like i am on top of it all sometimes.


wash all sheets, towels and z clothes
make bed
wash dishes and counter tops
clean bathroom
hour of me time
hour of z time


wash lil'W clothes
make bed
wash dishes and counter tops
hour of me time
hour of z time


wash my clothes
make bed
wash dishes and counter tops
clean bathroom
bible study


wash my big W. clothes
make bed
wash dishes and counter tops
hour of me time
hour of z time


make bed
wash dishes and counter tops mop floor
clean bathroom plus mop floor
hour of me time
hour of z time


clean bedroom,vacuum, mop floor, dust
wash dishes
hour of me time
hour of z time


make bed
wash dishes

With everyone having there own wash day alleviates stress from everyone trying to randomly washing during different days. scheduling time for me regardless of what it is this does not include baths they are separate and a given. we as woman need to take an hour to read or watch your favorite show or even sleep.

Z needs an hour a day to bond including reading, going for walks, zoo, or playing together.

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