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I have a great personality i believe. i am funny in my own way and very loyal to my friends. I am a natural sista 3C/4A hair and am challenging myself to have healthy hair and healthy skin. I am not a length crazy person but i am attempting to grow my hair off as long as i can then i am going to cut it off like Halle Berry. I love to cook so sometimes i will post recipes. My loves are clothes, skin, makeup, shoes, food, alcohal, hair, and my son. LOL! Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

sparkling strawberry lemonade

Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade

4-6 lemons, enough to equal 1 cup of lemon juice
1-1 1/2 c. simple syrup (recipe follows)
16 oz. container of strawberries, cleaned and hulled
1 quart sparkling water

Juice the lemons to get 1 cup of lemon juice. Blend the strawberries and 1/2 c. of the simple syrup in a blender or with an immersion blender, until smooth. Strain to remove the seeds. (I didn't strain the seeds because I didn't have anything that small! It still tasted just fine!) Pour lemon juice, strawberry puree, 1/2 c. simple syrup, and sparkling water into a pitcher. Add more simple syrup if needed to achieve the sweetness you like. Add ice and chill.

Simple Syrup
1 part sugar to 1 part water
I used 3/4 cup sugar to 3/4 cup warm water. This can be done on a stovetop but it is much easier to just use warm water.

Of course I added all of the syrup because I like things sweet, but it wasn't too sweet at all, the perfect balance of tartness and sweetness! The sparkling water also gives it a little extra bite. Either way it was aaaamazing!

P.S. if you want to make it more exciting try vodka or rum for an adult drink yum

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